National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Artist Leadership Program - Part 1: Choctaws in Washington, D.C.
National Museum of the American Indian
There is no proper way to summarize our 2012 research trip to D.C. in a mere blog post. Two weeks’ worth of excursions at the National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institute (NMAI), NMAI Cultural Resource Center, Smithsonian Museum Support Center (Anthropology and National Anthropological Archives), Library of Congress, National Archives, American Art Museum, Congressional Cemetery, numerous receptions at NMAI, three PowerPoint presentations and a panel discussion, two storytelling concerts, article interviews (where Sarah was the one being interviewed this time), and a bit of tourism at Mount Vernon and the National Botanic Gardens.
Take a deep breath. We did, for about three weeks afterwards. Sarah’s written a multi-part blog post series to encompass our journey. This first is just a quick intro in pictures.
Also, you can watch the Artist Panel Discussion by clicking here.
And Sarah’s storytelling at the ImagiNations Center.
Lynda Kay and Sarah Elisabeth at the National Archives Research Entrance
Viewing Choctaw Treaties, one of our most moving experiences in DC. With Chris and Colleen of the NMAI staff.
Young artists being...young artists. Aymar, Sarah, Bobby, and Maria